A DSA is a must for any programmer as it helps in developing problem-solving skills.

Learning DSA helps in writing well-optimized code. Now, To become a better programmer and master the dsa, we have to practice it a lot on a daily basis.

Here are 5 tips to use leetcode efficiently and build some good knowledge about it.

Rule no. 1: Practice Daily:

You should practice daily. I mean to say not doing 10-15 questions daily, but at least 2 to 5 daily. Starting dsa early will help in developing problem skills in a smooth and concise manner.

Rule no. 2: Don't Pick Random Problems:

Opening leetcode and selecting any question that is displayed first is not a good practice.

Let's suppose you have learned sorting algorithms today, so open leetcode and go to the topic section and select sorting there. Then try solving questions about it. At least for 2-3 days practice problems of Sorting. Firstly some easy questions, then medium and when you are doing well enough on medium, jump on to famous hard questions.

Rule no. 3: Don't Spend Too Much On A Single Question:

Suppose you chose a question and you're not able to solve it. So in that case try to build at least the approach behind it. Strike your mind and try not to panic as this will happen to all. You can browse the question or see the discuss tab for some help.

If you are not able to code a particular question then, then you can look at the solutions tab and take hints from there. Try not to copy the whole code and paste it, It will not help anyway.

Don't Fool Yourself

Rule no. 4: Always switch between topics:

Don't spend a whole month on just arrays or recursion. Switch between other topics as well and try to do 1 topic per week.

For example: Learn recursion and then spend a whole week doing recursion problems. First easy then some medium and then try to do the hard ones.

Rule no. 5: Trust the process:

Practicing 2 to 3 hours daily will improve your problem-solving abilities.

!! That's it !!